Macquarie Baptist Church exists to glorify God in the gospel of Christ
as an international community sharing life through Jesus
“God wants each of us to find our spiritual home in a loving local church community, focussed on Jesus, and shaped by his Spirit. We help each other live out the new life God IS SHAPING IN US. That’s what we want for you.”
Tim Blencowe - MBC Senior Pastor
Under God, MBC is governed by its members.
Appointed staff and elected leaders SERVE together.
Tim has served at MBC since 2009, along with his family, overseeing the spiritual development and organisation of the church. He serves also as Baptist Chaplain to Macquarie University, and is especially committed to helping people live whole lives for God’s glory, from the home to the workplace.
Helen joined the church in 2017 and has been recently appointed to shape and direct the cross-cultural reach and outlook of MBC. Helen also works on the Macquarie Uni campus helping overseas students respond to the call of Jesus.
Tom is a current bible college student. He comes alongside the pastoral team to care and support MBC, leading people to seek Christ and grow through His words.
Andrew leads the Finance Team, overseeing all management of financial resources so as to enable the various ministries of the church, and our support of mission workers across the world.
Dan is an experienced youth minister leading our Youth Ministry team, engaging teens with the call to live for Jesus.
Judy oversees our English Teaching ministry which reaches out to many in the local community. She serves on the Leadership Team and is especially involved in developing our partnerships with other organisations.
Chris and his family have been part of MBC since 2013, and serves on the Leadership Team, advising and supporting ministry ventures.
God is real and living. There is one true God who is eternal, holy, just, merciful, and sovereign over all. God has always existed in an eternal and loving relationship of one person united in three persons. God has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is good, and is worthy of all praise and honour. At MBC, this means we seek a genuine and life-changing knowledge of God, not empty religious practices.
God is present with us in power. The Holy Spirit is the third person of God, one with the Father and the Son, and alive within every believer. The Holy Spirit opens the mind of the believer to understand God’s Word and trust in Jesus, and helps the believer mature in godly character. Every believer is gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God. At MBC, this means we encourage individuals to cultivate spiritual habits of prayer, Bible reading, reflection and repentance.
Every person is so precious. Together as Men and Women, we have been made with dignity in the image of God, designed for fellowship with God, and given the task of caring for the world as responsible workers. Tragically, all people have sinned by ignoring and rejecting God, following our own ways, hurting one another, and ruining God’s world. Human nature is universally sinful and deserving of God’s righteous judgment of death. Without God’s intervention, no-one can be acceptable to God. At MBC, this means we seek to be honest with ourselves, knowing our need of God’s help, and not pretending we have it all together.
Salvation is a free gift for anyone who believes. Jesus died a sacrificial death as our representative substitute, making full atonement for sin. His resurrection proves the certainty of new life in his name. Anyone who trusts in Jesus is spiritually reborn by an inner work of God’s Spirit, and can be certain of full forgiveness and right standing with God. Salvation is entirely a work of God’s grace and does not depend on human merit. At MBC, this means we remind each other of the assurance we have before God, and the freedom to serve Him out of thankfulness not guilt.
Jesus is God himself, reaching out in love. Jesus is God the Son, who came from God to be born as a human person. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary, he is fully God and truly human. He lived a perfect life, fulfilling God’s Law, teaching the truth and doing only good. Jesus willingly took onto himself the full consequences of human sin and the punishment we deserve, by giving his life in our place. On the third day he was raised to life and is now exalted at the right hand of God as ruler over all. He has promised to come again in power to judge the world. At MBC, this means we focus on understanding who Jesus is, and all that he has done for us.
God is doing a great thing through His people. There is one true Church of God, made up of all people of every age who have been reborn and set apart for God. Each believer is called to be a committed member of a local church community, gathering to build up the church, share life, encourage faith, and be equipped to live in worship and service of God. Baptism is a sign of conversion, for those who believe in Christ. The Lord’s Supper is an act of collective remembrance, for those who belong to Christ. At MBC, this means making the most of Sunday gatherings, helping each person take appropriate steps forward in faith.
God will always be there for us. God has promised to hear and respond to the prayers of His people. Addressing God as Father, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, prayer is speaking honestly to God, offering praise, thanksgiving, requests, and interceding for the needs of others, knowing that He hears and responds according to His love and kindness. At MBC, this means we focus much on praying together, expressing humble dependence and trust.
God is revealed in the words of scripture. The Bible is God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, preserved and passed down through the ages, and pointing clearly to Jesus. The Bible is the supreme authority for all matters of faith and conduct, and is fully sufficient for equipping every believer to know God and to live a life of serving God. At MBC, this means we are constantly looking to the Bible to understand more of God’s character and we how we should respond.
This world will not continue forever. God has appointed a Day when Jesus will come to end this world and bring in a new age. All people will be raised from the dead to face God. Those who have persisted in rejecting God will be consigned to the judgement of Hell. Those who are in right relationship with God will be recognised and honoured, and live eternally with Him in a New Creation free from suffering. At MBC, this means we keep focussed on God’s big plan for the world and seek to align our lives to what matters eternally.
God’s true family is international. God is Lord of all, and is calling people from every tribe and nation to form one people, united in love for God and one another. Churches are called to be multi-ethnic in outlook, seeking to reach people of different cultural backgrounds, learning to relate together around the cause of God, and anticipating the New Creation where all will be united in worship. At MBC, this means honouring cultures of origin, while always striving to share in a higher community culture shaped by Christ Jesus.
God’s family is diverse and inclusive. People of any background or life-stage can respond to God and become part of his family. In God’s wisdom men and women have been made different and called at times to differing roles, yet no-one is more or less important, and all are equally valued. At MBC, this means we honour the way God has made us equal and different, and we look to God’s Word and not to culture to understand this.
The gospel of Jesus is real hope for the world. The gospel is the good news of God’s love for us in Jesus. The gospel is the central message of the Bible, the core belief of the church and the key to understanding life. It is the best news worth sharing with the world. At MBC, we have great hope in God as we hold on to the promise of the gospel and build our lives on God’s unchanging Word.
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