MBC Finances
MBC is entirely self-funded, and we appreciate the generosity of our members in supporting the church budget. Each year we meet as members to prayerfully decide on our ministry commitments for the year ahead, and commit to sharing together in the task of raising the funds needed through weekly collections and online donations. We give one tenth of our income to support mission work in other places. The remaining funds are used to pay for staff roles, facilities, and running costs for ministries.
We are a registered not-for-profit organisation, and commit to using everything God provides to serve His cause. Our finances are managed by the Church Treasurer and an appointed finance team, our accounts are reviewed annually by external auditors, and all church finances are reported to the church members at regular meetings. We’re very thankful to those who manage the financial affairs of the church with faithfulness, diligence and foresight. Church Pastors do not have access to any information about the personal giving of members. The church Pastors and their families also give toward the church budget as any other member.
Donations to the church budget are not a condition of membership. Those who would like to contribute are welcome to do so. Regular electronic giving is encouraged as it provides a stable basis on which the church can anticipate future ministry decisions. There is no recommended giving amount, and there are no appraisals or judgments made regarding the giving of any person. Donations are received purely as donations, and are not treated as an exchange for any expected service or privilege. Only the Treasurer and finance team have access to giving information.
We simply invite and encourage those who see MBC as their church to be guided by 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, and to join willingly and graciously in the task of sharing the financial load of the church together, for the glory of God.
Account name: Macquarie Baptist Church
BSB: 704-922
Account no: 100-003-483